Vision Sports Ireland - Pass-Sport Registration |
In June 2020, under the Department of Sport approved the Vision Sports Ireland Pass-Sport protocol.
The Pass-Sport programme is a documented registration system of Vision Sports members and their pilots/guides for members who require a guide to:
The Pass-Sport programme is a documented registration system of Vision Sports members and their pilots/guides for members who require a guide to:
- Travel to and from a sports/leisure facility.
- Walk, run, swim, or other similar exercise activity (maintained guiding)
- Play golf, tennis, football, or other similar exercise activity (intermittent guiding)
- Pilot a tandem
Registration of participants with a guide/pilot(s) from outside of their household will simplify any contact tracing requirements. Each member can register one guide/pilot per individual sporting discipline. Regulated exceptions may be facilitated. You may re-register, at a later point, should you need to switch guide/pilot. You and your guide/pilot should only register and participate in sport together if you both feel comfortable and safe to engage.
All participants must register with Vision Sports Ireland Pass-Sport system and any protocol with another Sport Ireland National Governing Body. Vision Sports Ireland will cross-check the Guides’ information provided.
It is understood that social distancing protocols and advice from the HSE/ Department of Health and Sport Ireland will be maintained whilst participating under the Pass-Sport programme, to the highest possible degree. Participants and guide/pilots are advised to remain informed on the Phased Roadmap to Return and Covid-19 via Department of Health and the HSE website and phased Return to Sport protocols available via Sport Ireland.
Pass-Sport is open to all Vision Sports Ireland members.
If you are unsure of your membership status or wish to become a member please contact Pádraig via email at or phone at 085 850 0193