How well do you know the Dogs NZ Notification items that should come into effect on 1st January 2019? Try this little quiz. Don't forget to read the Notification Items in conjunction with the current Dog Obedience Regulations. If you have misplaced the Notification Items document, it can be found here:

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* 1. In what order are dogs to be judged in Rally-O Advanced and Excellent classes?

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* 2. What is the correct title for a dog that achieves Grand Champion status in Rally-O?

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* 3. For dogs working towards Rally-O Championship titles, their Advanced B and Excellent B qualification combinations must be gained at...

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* 4. What is the correct name for Ribbon Trials for Rally-O?

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* 5. When can Rally-O judges NOT give verbal or written feedback to competitors?

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* 6. How is the About Turn Right sign performed?

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* 7. Where can the side step be performed for the Moving Side Step Right sign?

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* 8. Must the judge advise competitors where to enter and exit the Offset Figure 8 and Double Offset Figure 8 exercises?

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* 9. How many sign holders must a host club provide for each Rally-O course?

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* 10. Rally-O competitors will be penalised if they or their dog...