Rucksacks, Diaper Bags & Emotions: A Workshop for Military Moms
This is an 8-week program focused on supporting new mothers in understanding and coping with emotional adjustments that may arise following the birth of a new baby. Join other mothers with similar experiences as we explore emotional changes, attachment, relationships, and isolation.

Fridays (March 14, 21, 28; April 4, 11, 25; May 2 & 9)
no session on April 18 in recognition of Good Friday

9:00-10:30 a.m.
Expecting moms & moms with children 18 months & under
No cost to participant
Meet in the Counselling Centre (MFRC)

Register by Friday, March 7

Babies 18 months and under are welcome in workshop - FREE childcare available at the Occasional Childcare room for older children. Register for childcare by program registration deadline, by calling the MFRC at 204-765-3000 x258-3352 – limited space.

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* 1. Are you:

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* 2. Participant's Information

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* 3. Do you have any allergies or specific medical concerns?

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* 4. Acknowledgment:

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* 5. Do you grant permission to the Shilo MFRC, its agents, and employees, the right to photograph you and/or your minor child registered for this program for use in any MFRC publication including print, web sites or other electronic form of social media.

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* 6. How did you hear about this program? Please indicate your main source

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