SSON Research & Analytics is pleased to announce our 2024 The World's Best GBS study and award. The survey focuses on four key areas:

I.   Service Delivery Model & Strategic Alignment
II.  Model's Evolution in Maturity & Scope
III. Adoption and Impact of Automation
IV. Retention and Skilling of Talent
All participants will be invited to a webinar highlighting aggregated trends, and will automatically be considered for The World's Best GBS Award 2024.

Please complete all questions and submit your answers online via this surveymonkey form. (If you would like a PDF copy to go through the questions beforehand, you can download that here.)

This benchmarking study / application closes on January 31 2024.
Please note: this submission must be made in the name of a GBS leader. For those GBS that make The World's Best GBS Award shortlist, we will be following up with a 20-30 minute call with the GBS leader, so it is important that they have signed off on the application, and have verified the content. 
Also: By participating in the GBS study, you are consenting to have your organization’s data shared in an aggregated format. In the event your organization becomes a finalist or winner of The World's Best GBS Award, you consent to your company’s name being used in promotion of the awards, and for your data to be shared in an aggregated format (i.e., not your unique data).

You can save your responses by scrolling down and clicking "Next" at the end of the questions. To return to edit/complete your responses, please use the same survey link (Only applicable if you use the same device and web browser. Do not clear your cookies).

Question Title

* 1. Company Name 

Question Title

* 2. Name of GBS

Question Title

* 3. This application is submitted in the name of your GBS leader. Please ensure the GBS leader has reviewed the answers before submission.

Question Title

* 5. What best approximates the size of your organization in terms of revenue?


Question Title

* 6. What type of GBS are you?

Question Title

* 7. What best defines your sourcing model?

Question Title

* 8. Do you have a single GBS leader?

Question Title

* 9. Which of these governance elements/bodies/roles does your GBS have? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 10. How is your GBS impacting Revenue, Margin, and Cash? For EACH of these core business results please list & explain your top drivers for delivering improvements – and quantify the impact over the last financial year. Please write 1 paragraph each.

Question Title

* 11. Please share specific, measurable impacts GBS has had on financial returns, improvements in customer satisfaction, productivity, market growth, ability to integrate acquisitions, etc. (traceable performance impact that matters to your board). Please list the actual metrics (including definitions and values) for each of the above listed topics. (It is fine to repeat information from previous answers.)

Question Title

* 12. List GBS’s top three strategic achievements of the past five years (please list 3 and outline what was achieved – please write at minimum 1 paragraph on each).

Question Title

* 13. What strategic and tactical key indicators do you use in GBS? Please list three, including definitions/descriptions, as well as the values/levels you have achieved.

Question Title

* 14. Does your GBS measure/manage Total Working Capital/Cash? If yes, please explain briefly how, and list values/results.


Question Title

* 15. What do you perceive to be your overall GBS maturity level?
(This should reflect your overall ‘maturity,’ taking into account sourcing model, scope, automation, strategic alignment & talent; if followed up, you should be able to explain in detail why)

Question Title

* 17. Please list locations of these captive GBS centers (Country & City).
If you do not have captive centers, please indicate N/A.

Question Title

* 19. Please list locations of these outsourced GBS centers (Country & City).
If you do not have outsourced centers, please indicate N/A

Question Title

* 20. What is the total number of FTEs in all your captive GBS locations?

Question Title

* 21. What is the total number of FTEs in all your outsourced GBS locations?

Question Title

* 22. What do you perceive to be your PROCESS maturity level?
(This should reflect overall ‘process maturity,’ taking into account scope, efficiency, automation, cost, experience, and E2E; if followed up, you should be able to explain in detail why)

Question Title

* 23. Which of these services/processes/topics do you have in your GBS scope?
AND if in scope, to what extent are they automated? (Please select low, medium, high or expert)

  Not in scope Yes in Scope with None/Low Level of Automation (Scale=0-25%) Yes in Scope with Medium Level of Automation (Scale=26-50%) Yes in Scope with High Level of Automation (Scale=51-75%) Yes in Scope with Expert Level of Automation (Scale >75%)
Hire-to-Retire / Reward-to-Retire
Benefits Administration
Time-to-Pay / Payroll
Talent Management (Strategic Workforce Planning, Recruiting and Staffing, Workforce Development, L&D, Onboarding)
Purchase-to-Pay / Procure to Pay
Order-to-Cash / Customer to Cash
Record-to Report / Account to Report
Tax Support / Admin
Plan-to-Result (Strategic Planning, Annual Opex/Capex Budgeting, Forecasting, BPM Reporting, Business Analysis, FP&A)
Indirect Procurement
Direct Procurement
Supply Chain (Planning: SCM, DM, IM, S&OP, Plan Supply, Plan Distribution)
Supply Chain (Manufacturing: M. Strategy, Prod. And Resource Scheduling, Prod. Management, Maintenance Management, QM)
Supply Chain (Delivery, Logistics: Logistics strategy, Inbound/Outbound, Warehousing, Reverse logistics, Trade Compliance)
Risk Management Services (e.g., business continuity planning and crisis management)
Consulting & Advisory Services (e.g., strategy consulting, change management, organizational design)
Knowledge Services (e.g., published scientific, technical, and business information to drive innovation and business decisions)
IT Opportunity-to-Proposal
Information Technology (other IT processes)
Technology related (e.g. RPA, Digitization teams, Intelligent Automation)
Master Data Management
Data Analytics / Business Analytics
Customer Center (call center) processes (Front-office support)
Real Estate & Facilities Management
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)
Health & Safety
Corporate Communications
Industry/sector specific processes
Stock / Shares Management
Engineering Services
Document Management
Shop Floor Planning
Fleet Management
Creative / Design Services
Content Management
Events Management

Question Title

* 24. Net Promoter Score (NPS)
This metric measures the customer’s satisfaction with the GBS. The NPS measures on a scale of 0 to 10 the extent to which customers would recommend their GBS to others.

Customers will then, according to this score, be divided into three categories:
a) 0-6: Detractors
b) 7-8: Passives
c) 9-10: Promoters

NPS= (No. of Promoters - No. of Detractors)/Total No. of respondents x 100

Question Title

* 25. For the various ESG initiatives/topics listed below, please select programs/permanent structures that are in place in your GBS

  Team/Role (Specific responsibilities i.e. Chief of Diversity) Ongoing structures/programs Dedicated budgets Technology/Tool supporting the initiative Agreements with external parties supporting the initiative N/A
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
How a company safeguards the environment, including corporate policies addressing climate change for e.g.
How a company managed relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates
How a company is led and managed. Deals with a company’s leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights

Question Title

* 26. What do you perceive to be your overall GBS automation level?

Question Title

* 27. What percentage of your successful automation is OWNED by either your Captive Operations or the BPO (i.e., where does the IP sit?)?  (mark % captive vs % BPO; if you do not outsource, the option is 100% captive vs 0% BPO)

Question Title

* 28. What does your GBS digital ecosystem entail? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 29. What is the level of digital skills that you have in your organization?

Question Title

* 30. How many RPA bots have you deployed?

Question Title

* 31. Which Intelligent Automation projects (i.e. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and other advanced technologies) have you applied to drive digital transformation in your GBS? Please list examples (e.g. “automated reporting”, “chat functionality across 3 functions”…), explain which tools you use, and list number of projects completed. The answer should be detailed and comprehensive (a few paragraphs).

Question Title

* 32. This is a continuation of the previous question. Describe the main benefits received from these Intelligent Automation projects (either per project, in general, or in sum, e.g. “saved 3 FTEs through reporting automation”, “chat saves time for users and increased user acceptance”).

Question Title

* 33. Savings gained in average FTE hours per month for highest performing automated process
This metric provides a comparison of the best automation technology projects across organizations. It measures the savings gained in average FTE hours per month for the highest performing automated process.

Question Title

* 34. Average cost savings per year (USD) for highest performing automated process
This metric provides a comparison of the best automation technology projects across organizations. It measures the average cost savings (per year, or shorter if project ended earlier) for the highest performing automated process (USD, achieved or estimated). The magnitude of the savings is an indication of absolute improvement potentials. If estimates are used they should be very probable.

Question Title

* 35. Improvement in error rate (%) for highest performing automated process
This metric provides a comparison of the best automation technology projects across organizations. It measures the percentage improvement in error rate for the highest performing automated process.

Question Title

* 36. How does your GBS support digital transformation in your organization? Explain by providing several concrete tactical examples – e.g., in order to strengthen operations, accelerate go to market, improve innovation, or improve finance. Please explain with at least a paragraph for each example.

Question Title

* 37. Explain very briefly the relationship between IT and GBS in your organization.


Question Title

* 38. What is your GBS talent management strategy? Please explain with reference to attraction, retention, development of talent; AND how career progression both within GBS as well as integration with enterprise functions is supported and encouraged. Please describe with at least a paragraph on each aspect.

Question Title

* 39. Is GBS seen as a hub for talent and capability for the enterprise? i.e., does the enterprise look to GBS to get specialized talent & capabilities into the business?

Question Title

* 40. What do you perceive to be the overall capabilities/skill level (depth & breadth) of your GBS employees?

Question Title

* 41. Do you have budget allocated for training and other L&D activities?

Question Title

* 42. If yes, what is the average annual training budget allocated for a 1,000 FTE GBS organization (USD)? If you have more or less than 1000 FTEs then normalize to 1000 (e.g. if you have 500 FTES, the double the amount).

Question Title

* 43. Do you have a FTE hours target allocated for training and other L&D activities per employee?

Question Title

* 44. If yes, please provide training and L&D activities target per employee in FTE hours/year:

Question Title

* 45. Annual attrition rate (overall GBS, comprehensive)
This metric refers to the number of employees who externally separate from the GBS on an annual basis. It calculates the overall attrition of the GBS and includes voluntary and involuntary attrition.

Excludes a) internal transfers within the GBS, b) employees who are on military service, pregnancy leave etc.

Question Title

* 46. Annual attrition rate (Overall GBS, Involuntary only)
This metric refers to the number of employees who involuntarily separate from the GBS on an annual basis. This metric contributes to the overall attrition of the GBS.

Excludes a) internal transfers within the GBS, b) employees who are on military service, pregnancy leave etc.

Question Title

* 47. What is the main driver behind your involuntary attrition?

Question Title

* 48. Annual attrition rate (Overall GBS, Voluntary only)
This metric refers to the number of employees who voluntarily separate from the GBS on an annual basis. This metric contributes to the overall attrition of the GBS.

Excludes a) internal transfers within the GBS, b) employees who are on military service, pregnancy leave etc.

Question Title

* 49. Percentage of employees with formal training and development plan
This metric indicates successful skill development and retention within the organization. It calculates the percentage of GBS employees who have formal training & development plan in place as compared to the total GBS headcount. All plans are included regardless of the setup process (supported, self-service etc).