Audubon Florida Virtual Assembly 2020

2020 Post-Assembly Survey

Thank you for attending Audubon Florida’s 2020 virtual Assembly, “Reimagining Audubon Florida: A Call for Inclusive Conservation.” Your feedback is important to us, so we would appreciate your time filling out the following e-survey on how we did this year and how we can improve.
1.How did you learn about Assembly and why did you decide to register?
2.How was the content for learning sessions?
3.What did you think about the digital Assembly Program?
4.We offered virtual field trips this year. Did you find them worthwhile?
5.Please rank how you felt registering for the Assembly using the website and Eventbrite.
6.Please rank the information available at FL.Audubon.Org
7.What is your age? (Please note that this question is optional)
8.Race/Ethnicity (Please check all that apply and note that this question is optional)
9.Are you interested in joining a focus group to continue a conversation about equity, diversity, and inclusion efforts in Audubon Florida?
10.Please provide any additional comments in the box below.
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered