Marmadua Energy Park

Proposed Community Benefits Fund

We are seeking your input on how the proposed Community Benefits Fund for the Marmadua Energy Park can best serve the needs of the local community. Your feedback will help ensure that the fund supports projects and initiatives that align with community values, needs and priorities. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.
1.Which of the following best describes where you live?
2.Which township do you feel would benefit most from access to a Community Benefit Fund?
3.What types of projects or initiatives do you think the community benefits fund should prioritise? (Select all that apply)
4.Should a certain percentage of the fund be allocated to specific project categories (e.g., environment, education, health)?
5.What size grants do you think should be offered through the fund?
6.Who should be eligible to apply for funding? (Select all that apply)
7.How important is it for the funded projects to have long-term community impact?
8.How frequently would you prefer the fund to be distributed?
9.How should the community benefits fund be managed?
10.Do you have any additional suggestions or comments on how the community benefits fund should operate?
11.Do you have any specific projects or initiatives that you would like to see funded through the program?
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered