Iraqi and American Reconciliation Project - Visitor Survey

Home of Memories

To help us develop our approach and understand the impact of our work, please take a few minutes to answer the following survey. Your feedback is valuable to us. All surveys are anonymous. All questions are optional.
  :شارك في الاستبيان المتاح باللغة العربية على هذا الرابط
1.How do you identify:
2.What is your age?
3.How often do you attend art exhibitions?
4.This exhibition changed my understanding of the experiences of immigrants or refugees in Minnesota.
5.This exhibition changed my understanding of the Muslim experience in Minnesota.
6.I feel connected to those who shared their stories.
7.I was aware of the Iraqi experience in Minnesota before seeing this exhibition.
8.I found the exhibition emotional.
9.I found the exhibition educational.
10.Please rate the artistic quality of this exhibition:
11.If you were to ask a question to the storytellers or artists, what would you ask?
12.Please share your main takeaway from Home of Memories in the space below.
13.Please leave your email address if you would like to be informed of future Iraqi Voices programming.
Current Progress,
0 of 13 answered