Listener Satisfaction Survey

Please read each statement carefully and select the response which describes your personal reaction to the statement. Please be completely open and honest in your responses to make the information useful for future homily preparation. 
1.How long have you been listening to deacon rudy's notes?
2.Does the preaching show evidence of careful listening to Scripture?
3.Does the preaching have a clear central idea?
4.The preaching caught my attention by appealing to varied types of mental imagery and thought-provoking illustrations.
5.I felt the preacher properly explained and applied the biblical message.
6.I felt I knew exactly what was expected of me at the end of this homily.
7.How would you rank this homily in value to you?
8.Overall, how satisfied are you with deacon rudy's notes?
9.How likely are you to recommend deacon rudy's notes?