1. Equality at Home

Your opinion is extremely important to us. Our goal is to build equality one household at a time and for that, we need you to tell us what is important to YOU!  How can we make our Families by Design program just right for you?

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* 1. Do you consider yourself?

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Do you have children living with you?

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* 4. Do any of these statements resonate with you? Check all that apply:

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* 5. Pick the top 3 statements above that cause you the most pain and make you feel stuck.

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* 6. If you said yes to many of the statements above, you are not alone. We have been there, exactly where you are and couldn’t stand the pain any longer. Welcome to Equality at Home’s newest initiative: Families by Design, a program customized to break the inequality paradigm at home and bring balance to yourself and your family life. If you are ready for change NOW, share your email to learn more.
Please enter your email in the box below:

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* 7. Here is a quick peek at what Families by Design's Module 1 can provide to your life and to your family. Check the goals (you can check as many as you want) that most resonate with you.

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* 8. Families by Design is a unique online program customized for families who are struggling with inequality in family roles. We help families transform into liberating, empowering, and fulfilling partnerships. These families then become role models of equality for their children. We offer an easy to follow, step-by-step video process with accountability structures and coaching. Please let us know how clear our program sounds to you: