Application Instructions

Supports the innovative use and integration of software and/or technology into practice. The project submitted should have significant impact on the assessment and provision of personalized prediabetes, diabetes and related cardiometabolic conditions and self-management intervention that enhances or improves practice or broad populations.
Recipient will receive a complementary registration to the Annual Meeting, where they will be recognized, and a $1,000 travel stipend.
Applicant must be, for at least one (1) year, an active member of ADCES, as defined by the Association's Bylaws, at the time of submission and at receipt of the award. Should there be co-developers, they should also be members of ADCES.

The proposed project must be completed within twelve months of funding to be eligible to present at the ADCES Annual Meeting and Exhibition the following year. The recipient will be required to submit an abstract for the 2026 Annual Meeting.
Recipient must share a session or poster at the Annual Meeting. This will assist in providing more information to members about the award and the importance to the practice of self-management.

Submissions for this award will be reviewed according to the following criteria:
  • Significance of the innovative use and integration of software and/or technology in enhancing practice
  • Potential to affect large populations
  • Clarity, feasibility, sustainability
  • Potential for broad based application, other disease assessment and intervention programs to use project/tool/strategy in their practices
  • Alignment with ADCES mission and strategic direction.
          Applications that do not meet the following requirements will not be considered. The applicant must provide a narrative description of the project, target audience, purpose and results. Application materials must include a completed Cover Page which can be uploaded at the end of the application, or the application will be disqualified.

          CV or Resume

          Your application should include responses to the following:
          • The educational tool/program for use in practice must be original in design
          • The project should be developed by the individual submitting the application; however, it can be a team project. Please describe your role on the team and provide information for other team members
          • The tool/program may not be developed by a commercial firm or by a national organization
          • The tool/program must be developed for use in practice of DSME

          Applications and supporting materials must be submitted by March 3, 2025. All applications must be complete to be considered. Please provide as much detail as possible in your answers. Applications demonstrating thoughtful, detailed responses tend to yield more favorable results. If a confirmation has not been received by March 22, 2025, it is the applicant's responsibility to contact ADCES at or call (800) 338-3363 x4810.


          If you exit or "time out" of the application, you may resume completing the form on the same computer used to begin the application. However, you MUST click "SAVE/Next" for your responses on that page to be saved.

          If you enter information on a page without clicking "SAVE/Next", your information will be lost. To resume your application, simply click on the "SAVE/Resume" button on the award application webpage.

          NOTE: Once you click "Submit" on the final page of this application, you will not be able to access your application form or make any additional edits.

          For any questions, please contact or call (800) 338-3633 x4810.
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          25% of survey complete.
