Environmental Design Pocketbook - Edition 3: what to change? (anonymous reader survey in preparation for 3rd Edition)
What do you find MOST useful and of value in the Environmental Design Pocketbook?
What do you find the LEAST useful in the Environmental Design Pocketbook?
What do you think should be changed (new/removed/updated/expanded) in the Environmental Design Pocketbook, EDITION 3?
Do you think expanding applicability to other European regions will be a good thing?
Would removing chapter 9 (key details) be a loss to the book, or did you not use it much anyway? (green roofs section can move to chapter 3 for example)
Do you refer much to the regulatory sections? Would they be missed, if removed?
Would adding topics such as, a holistic sustainable evaluation tool, section on circular economy, ecosystems thinking, nature based solutions be beneficial? If so, anything else, and any idea for what can be removed to make place for this?
Does artificial lighting, and acoustics belong in the Environmental Design Pocketbook? If so, what can be removed to make place for this?
The approach to the Environmental Design Pocketbook has been to focus on mainstream building materials, incl. mainstream low impact materials, but this has limited the materials included. Should this be expanded, if so, what materials to include?
Any other suggestions are welcome! Feel free also to email the author (sofie.pelsmakers@tuni.fi)
Current Progress,
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