Was PA.gov helpful? Welcome! Please tell us about your experience. Question Title * 1. How often do you visit PA.gov? This is my first time Daily Weekly Monthly A few times a year Question Title * 2. What are your reasons for visiting PA.gov today? (Check all that apply) For news For research For services (See Question #3) To access government agencies To locate a state park To start a business Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. If you accessed services, which ones? (Check all that apply) Services related to: Jobs and employment Unemployment compensation Driver/vehicle and transportation Voting Taxes Hunting, fishing or boating Professional licensing Vital records (such as birth certificates or death certificates) Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Did you find what you were looking for today? Yes No. If not, what did you have trouble finding? (Please specify) Question Title * 5. Did you use the search feature on the site? Yes No. If not, why? (please specify) Question Title * 6. What part of PA.gov was most useful to you? (Please specify) Question Title * 7. Please rate PA.gov using the following criteria: Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree or disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree PA.gov is easy to understand PA.gov is easy to understand Strongly agree PA.gov is easy to understand Somewhat agree PA.gov is easy to understand Neither agree or disagree PA.gov is easy to understand Somewhat disagree PA.gov is easy to understand Strongly disagree PA.gov met my needs today PA.gov met my needs today Strongly agree PA.gov met my needs today Somewhat agree PA.gov met my needs today Neither agree or disagree PA.gov met my needs today Somewhat disagree PA.gov met my needs today Strongly disagree I can easily find information on PA.gov I can easily find information on PA.gov Strongly agree I can easily find information on PA.gov Somewhat agree I can easily find information on PA.gov Neither agree or disagree I can easily find information on PA.gov Somewhat disagree I can easily find information on PA.gov Strongly disagree I can easily find services on PA.gov I can easily find services on PA.gov Strongly agree I can easily find services on PA.gov Somewhat agree I can easily find services on PA.gov Neither agree or disagree I can easily find services on PA.gov Somewhat disagree I can easily find services on PA.gov Strongly disagree I would recommend PA.gov to friends I would recommend PA.gov to friends Strongly agree I would recommend PA.gov to friends Somewhat agree I would recommend PA.gov to friends Neither agree or disagree I would recommend PA.gov to friends Somewhat disagree I would recommend PA.gov to friends Strongly disagree I would recommend PA.gov to friends I would recommend PA.gov to friends Strongly agree I would recommend PA.gov to friends Somewhat agree I would recommend PA.gov to friends Neither agree or disagree I would recommend PA.gov to friends Somewhat disagree I would recommend PA.gov to friends Strongly disagree Question Title * 8. How would you describe yourself? (Select one) Pennsylvania Resident (Non-Government employee) Pennsylvania Resident (Government employee) Prospective Pennsylvania resident Business based in Pennsylvania Prospective business coming to Pennsylvania Other (please specify) Thank you for your feedback. Have a nice day! Done