Quick 12 Question 90.7 WAY Radio Listener Feedback

1.Let us know all of the times you listen to 90.7 (even if it's just occasionally)
2.What makes you tune in to 90.7?
3.Do you ever listen to 90.7 in the following locations...
4.What makes you tune out of 90.7?
5.If you are a donor to 90.7, what motivates you to give?
6.Have you ever visited wayradio.com?
7.Do you receive our first of the month, never-spam e-newsletter in your inbox?
8.Have you ever submitted a name for the “Birthday Club”?
9.Have you ever attended a WAY Radio concert or event?
10.Do you have a 90.7 sticker on your vehicle?
11.Have you ever heard 90.7 playing in a business?
12.What business supporter names do you remember hearing on 90.7?