16th Street bus lane feedback Question Title * 1. Which of these best describes your feelings about this project? New bus lanes, yeah! 5.5x the bus lanes? Save me 20 hours a year! I can't wait! Let's do it! I get these benefits. Just give me a minute to mourn my dream of a full-length bus lane both ways. ... Okay, I'm good now. Time to get this done. I'm disappointed the initial ideas didn't pan out. I'm up for making this happen, but we have to keep pushing for more. Seriously, DC can't put a full-length bus lane on the busiest bus route in *the entire region*? Give me a f**ing break. If we can't do it here, then it can't happen anywhere. I don't actually want bus lanes at all. Speeding up the buses? Get me there in my car faster and eat my exhaust, bus losers! Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. Do you have any specific comments about how to make the planned 16th Street lane work? Question Title * 3. Your info First name Last name ZIP code Email address Sign up for for future updates relating to this project or other Greater Greater Washington efforts you may be interested in. We will not sell, rent, or share your contact info and you can unsubscribe at any time. Done