We are evaluating the 'Get Outside' program and would really value your ideas.  This short survey should only take about 5 minutes to complete.
Please complete the survey by Friday 31 August.
If you prefer to do a face-to-face or phone interview, please let us know. If you would like to get together with friends who have participated in the program, we are happy to talk with small groups.

Anything you say or write will be treated confidentially and no names will be used in the evaluation report.

We really appreciate your help and are offering some prizes to encourage you to share your ideas about the 'Get Outside' program. Anyone who submits this online survey or is interviewed by phone, in person, as part of a group, has a chance to win. All participants can go into the draw for a $100 Coles/Myer voucher or one of two $50 vouchers.
Morven Andrews
Phone: 0417059526
Susan Hoult
Phone: 0447755573