Raise the profile of an environmentally impacted or underutilized publicly-owned property at any stage of redevelopment, and get feedback from developers on your presentation and property’s marketability. Please complete this questionnaire as fully as possible about a specific property seeking a buyer/investor. EPA’s Technical Assistance to Brownfield communities (TAB) providers will select three submissions for presentation at EPA’s National Brownfields Training Conference (NBC) on December 11, 2019 in Los Angeles. Selected presenters must register to attend the NBC. Our goal is to build capacity, increase the profile of your site, and connect you with developers and resources to accelerate your redevelopment timeline.

We are available to answer any questions about the process or application. Please contact Jean Hamerman at jean.hamerman@cclr.org. 


Question Title

* 1. The address of the property is:

Question Title

* 2. Primary Contact Information

Question Title

* 3. What is your relationship to the property and what do you hope to gain by participating in the Redevelopment Rodeo?

This survey is a tool to look at a municipally-owned properties from multiple perspectives, identify market strengths and weaknesses and supply information for a property profile or marketing sheet. The headings include: Condition of the Property, Distinguishing Features of the Property, Municipal Readiness, Financing Opportunities, and Local Market Conditions.
Condition of the Property

Question Title

* 4. The size of the lot and any building(s) on property is:

Question Title

* 5. Describe the property, including access and terrain.

Question Title

* 6. If there are buildings:

Question Title

* 7. Please list the prior uses of the site (ie: gas station, agricultural, etc.)

Question Title

* 8. What is the remediation status of the site?

Question Title

* 9. What is the type & extent of known or suspected contamination?

Question Title

* 10. Estimated cost to remediate is:

Question Title

* 11. What is the current zoning?

Question Title

* 12. Are there liens or restrictions on the property? (Check all that apply and provide detail)

Distinguishing Features of Property

Question Title

* 13. What infrastructure is available at the site? 

Public Transit
Municipal Sewer
Municipal Water
3-Phase Electricity
Natural Gas
Fiber optic
Green infrastructure/flood protection

Question Title

* 14. Are infrastructure improvements needed?

Question Title

* 15. Estimate the distance in miles from the property to these landmarks and provide any explanations as needed. 

Question Title

* 16. Describe other notable features of the property, including low cost energy, easy access, bike trail or pedestrian walkway, etc.

Municipal Readiness

Question Title

* 17. In what ways has the community been engaged in the process? 

Question Title

* 18. What is the desired reuse of the site?

Question Title

* 19. Is this end use consistent with the current zoning?

Question Title

* 20. Is this site part of the community's comprehensive plan or other planning document?

Question Title

* 21. On a scale from 1-5 (5 being the highest) how would you rate the Mayor’s or Town Supervisory body’s support for this redevelopment project?

  1 2 3 4 5
Select a value 1-5

Question Title

* 22. What is the municipality's approval process? Please describe Boards/committees required, timing, number of votes needed to pass, whether there are conflicts or general consensus on how to move forward with this property, etc.

Grants, Incentives, Tax Credits

Question Title

* 23. The property is in these special zones: (check all that apply)

Question Title

* 24. Please provide a list of all grants received to date by funding source to support redevelopment of this property. (You can add as an attachment - see below)

Question Title

* 25. Where are you in the process of developing a capital stack and applying for funding? (Check all that apply)

Local Market Conditions

Question Title

* 26. Please provide information about the surrounding area, neighborhood, Census tract, block group, or MSA within 3 miles of the property. Use the text boxes to provide information or attach a short summary of market conditions that addresses these questions.

Question Title

* 27. Describe the adjacent land use, including what is there now and any planned investment/development.

Question Title

* 28. How long has the property been seeking investment/development?

Question Title

* 29. In what ways have you searched for a developer/investor? (Check all that apply)

Question Title

* 30. What is the estimated appraised value? If valuation has not been determined write N/A.

Question Title

* 31. Keeping in mind your desired end use, quantify the following: (for those that are not applicable to your redevelopment project list NA)

Question Title

* 32. Why is this site of particular importance and what would the redevelopment of this site mean to your community? Please include information pertaining to area wide environmental benefits and stressors and economic impact. 

Provide any of the following supporting information: location map (1 page), photograph or photo layout, (1-2 pages), marketing collateral (1 -2 pages), conceptual design, local area economic and population data or links to websites, a narrative about the site. Please send to Jean Hamerman at jean.hamerman@cclr.org using the subject line, “NBC Redevelopment Rodeo Applicant Attachments." Your submission confirms that the information provided will be shared with the panel. Please signal any confidential information.

Thank you!