Rosters in NSW Health

1.NSW Health has eight key rostering principles. Do you think your department’s rosters comply with these principles?
Deliver the service: Delivery of service to patients is always the first consideration when developing a roster.
Sufficient and skilled staff: Ensure there are sufficient and appropriately skilled staff rostered on to provide appropriate patient care & meet anticipated service demands.
Regulation and policies: Rosters conform to relevant regulatory frameworks, including antidiscrimination, WHS legislation, industrial awards, and NSW Ministry of Health and LHD/SHN policies.
Fairness and equity: Staff should be fairly rostered, while still providing appropriate flexibility to facilitate meeting unit staffing needs.
Supervision, training and handover: Rosters must make appropriate provision for adequate staff supervision, training and clinical handover.
Co-operation: Rostering practices to be based on co-operation between rostering managers and staff, in order to promote fairness in rostering and to deliver appropriate care to patients.
Remind: Remind staff of the key rostering principles and their responsibility for ensuring you are able to apply these principles when rostering.
2.If you answered “no” to any of the above, please provide an example of this to share with NSW Health (all answers will be anonymised).
3.Your name
4.Your workplace
5.Are you a HSU member?