Thank you for your interest in KP LAUNCH! Our program is located in Northern California.
If you would like to receive updates regarding joining future KP LAUNCH summer internship programs,
please submit your information below. We offer programs for high school and undergraduate college students.
If you have started your Master's degree or beyond, you would not be eligible for this program.

Please visit to review career opportunities for advanced degree seeking students.

Please ensure that you have read through the KP LAUNCH website to verify that you are interested and eligible to participate in this program.
This program is open to students whose permanent address is within Northern California.
If you reside in Southern California, please visit Kaiser Permanente Community Health in Southern California | About | Healthy People | Summer Youth Employment Program (

If you have remaining questions, please email

If you are a current student or recent high school graduate, G.E.D. holder, or undergraduate program student or recent undergraduate graduate, please submit your information below.

Question Title

* 1. Which program do you want to receive updates about?

Question Title

* 2. Please provide your email address in order for you to receive an email from KP LAUNCH when we have updates about our programs.

Question Title

* 3. Application Experience - please respond below if the following are applicable to you:

After clicking on the Submit button below, please expect to receive notifications about our KP LAUNCH program when they are available.  If your email address is typed incorrectly, you will not receive the email communication.