Program Evaluation

Thank you for registering your child in the Hockey Program with the Lakeview Community Association. We hope you had a positive experience.

If you could please take a few minutes to fill out this quick survey about your child's experience in the program, it would be greatly appreciated! We will use your feedback for future program planning.

From the Lakeview Community Association team.

Question Title

* 1. Which class did your child(ren) attend?

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* 2. Do you feel your child's hockey skills have improved as a result of being in the program?

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* 3. Overall how would you rate the ‘Hockey Skills and Development’ program? (leave blank if your child was not in this program)

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* 4. Overall how would you rate the ‘Hockey Skills' Instructors? (leave blank if your child was not in this program)

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* 5. Overall how would you rate the ‘Mini Mites’ program? (leave blank if your child was not in this program)

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* 6. Overall how would you rate the Mini Mites Instructor? (leave blank if your child was not in this program)

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* 7. Do you think we should offer this program again?

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* 8. Do you have any other feedback? 
(e.g. what you liked best, improvements that could be made, class size, location, day and time, cost, communication with instructor and/or LCA, etc.)