SY22-23 SCC Self-Assessment

1.Please choose your school name from the drop down menu:
2.Please choose your school complex area:
3.Please choose your school's complex:
4.How many SCC meetings did you have this year?
5.How many community meetings did you have this year?
6.What were obstacles, if any, in holding SCC meetings or community meetings?
7.To what extent do you agree: Your SCC provided a way for parents, community, and other key stakeholders to substantially increase their voices in school affairs.
8.Please answer the following questions about your SCC roles and functions:
Not applicable or Did not take part this year
Reviewed the Academic and Financial Plan?
Made recommendations or revisions to the principal about the Academic and Financial Plan, if necessary?
Reviewed evidence of school progress on Academic and Financial Plan implementation?
Participated in the principal evaluation process?
Provided opportunity for community input and collaboration?
Recommended to the principal any school report and maintenance needs?
Recommended revisions or to create new school-level policies and procedures?
Requested waivers to state policies, rules, or exceptions to collective bargaining agreements?
9.Please answer the following questions about understanding the roles and functions of the SCC: 
Have all SCC members read the guidelines and policies in the SCC handbook?
Have all SCC members read the guidelines and policies in the bylaws?
Have all SCC members followed the guidelines and policies in the SCC handbook and bylaws?
If there were new SCC members, was there an orientation held?
Do you feel that additional training was needed to understand the SCC's roles and functions?
10.How understanding is each group of the roles and responsibilities of the SCC?
Not at all
A little
Very well
SCC as a whole
Certificated Staff
Non-Certificated Staff
11.Have you elected your SCC for next year?
12.What were obstacles, if any, in recruiting and electing SCC members?
13.Do you have a Community Engagement Webpage on your school's website?
14.Please answer the following questions about informing and engaging the community:
Were the agendas, minutes, and meeting dates posted on the Community Engagement webpage?
Were SCC meeting notices and agendas posted on your school website at least 6 days prior to your meetings?
Did you designate time in your SCC meetings for community (non-SCC members) input on agenda items?
15.What were obstacles, if any, to posting and sharing SCC documents?
16.How often do parents and community members attend your regular SCC meetings?
17.Does your PCNC attend your SCC meetings?
18.Can you share examples of successful strategies to engage parents, community, and students in the SCC?
19.Please answer the following questions about working together as an SCC:
Did meeting dates and times accommodate all SCC members to attend?
Did you follow the guidelines or "ground rules" for working together that are established in your bylaws?
Did you use consensus or voting as the primary decision making process that are outlines in your bylaws?
20.What were some of the difficult issues (if any) that your SCC had to address?
21.Did your SCC create a monitoring plan for the Academic and Financial Plan (AFP)? If not, why not?
22.How often have you done the following things regarding the Academic and Financial Plan (AFP)?
Did you have adequate time to discuss the AFP at meetings?
Did you have adequate time to discuss school data at meetings?
Did you regularly follow your AFP monitoring plan this year?
Did the principal review and address concerns on any proposed changes or adjustments to the AFP throughout the year?
Did your SCC have thoughtful discussions about how educational programs or strategies are meeting the needs of students?
Was the SCC actively engaged in school improvement projects?
23.What school improvement projects, if any, did the SCC engage in?
24.Please answer the following about your overall assessment of the SCC this year:
Very dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
How satisfied is the SCC with its ability to work together as a group?
How satisfied is the SCC with its level of participation in decision making?
How satisfied is the SCC with its ability to effectively address school improvement issues?
25.Please share what your SCC is most proud of accomplishing this academic year:
26.Please review your answers. if you are done responding to all survey questions and ready to submit the survey, please select the appropriate option below: