September 2017 Train the Trainer Workshop

To help us prepare for the Train the Trainer workshop, we ask that you answer the following questions. The responses will help us assess the group's training needs, interests and goals. We look forward to seeing you soon! - The PFHQ Training Team

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* 1. Full Name:

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* 2. Ownership Group:

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* 3. Position/Title:

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* 4. Number of years with Planet Fitness:

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* 5. Number of years or months involved with the training process:

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* 6. What type(s) of training does your organization currently use, for new staff members all the way up to leaders? (check all that apply)

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* 7. Do you use outside trainers and/or resources, or is all of your training created and facilitated internally?

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* 8. What is your current involvement in the training your organization offers? (check all that apply)

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* 9. What's your favorite thing about training?

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* 10. What's the most challenging aspect of training?

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* 11. List up to 3 personal/organizational outcomes you want from attending Train the Trainer (what you need, your views on what your organization needs):

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* 12. How do you feel about public speaking? 

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* 13. If you could choose a topic to be included in a future workshop for Planet Fitness managers/leaders, what would it be?

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* 14. Do you have a favorite type of beer and/or wine?

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* 15. What's your favorite candy or snack?