The City of San Luis Obispo Parks and Recreation wants your input! Please share your thoughts and ideas of future park designs for Emerson Park.

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* 1. Please enter your email address.

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. What is your proximity to Emerson Park?

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* 4. If any, what are the ages of children in your household?

Park Design Goal 1 - Selection and design of recreation features.

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* 5. Please review the map above of the current look of Emerson Park. What potential design features would you like to see added to Emerson Park in the future? (Select all that apply).

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* 6. Continue question 6.  What other potential design features would you like to see added to Emerson Park in the future? (Select all that apply).

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* 7. Please share other ideas for potential design feature you would like added to Emerson Park.

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* 8. Please rank the following potential design features from high priority to low priority.

  Very Important  Somewhat Important Not Important  N/A
Playground Shade Structure
Public Art (mosaic tile, sculptures, murals).
Zen Garden
Update Exercise Equipment
Horseshoe Pit
Children Bike Pump Track
Additional Hydration Station
Update Basketball Court
Educational Garden
Resurface Blacktop
Update Picnic Area
Lighting to allow for extended nighttime use
Bike Pump Station
Safety Lighting on Walkways
Update Bocce Ball Courts
Revitalize Field Are
Add Park Benches

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* 9. From the list above, please identify your top 3 design features with #1 being your highest priority.

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* 10. A children bike pump track is one of the potential design features we are considering adding to Emerson Park. Which of the following photos could you envision for the children bike pump track?

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* 11. What outdoor fitness equipment would you like to see added to Emerson Park? (Select all that apply).

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* 12. Please share your ideas of potential exercise equipment you would like added to Emerson Park?

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Potential Layout of Emerson Park

<strong><span style="font-size: 14pt;">Potential Layout of Emerson Park</span></strong>

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* 13. Please review the map above of a potential design layout of Emerson Park. What are your thoughts? Do you agree with this layout? What would you change or add?

Park Design Goal 2 - Location of selected recreation features

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Emerson Park Map w/ Quadrants

<strong>Emerson Park Map w/ Quadrants</strong>

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* 14. Using the above map, please describe where you would add your top 3 design features. Ex: Bathrooms in Quadrant 4, near exercise equipment and community gardens. 

Park Design Goal 3 - Safe public use and park beautification ideas

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* 15. For park beautification what would you like to see added to Emerson Park? (Select all the apply).

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* 16. Please share other ideas for park beautification here.

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* 17. Please rate your sense of safety when visiting Emerson park?

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* 18. If you do not often feel safe, please explain why here. What would you recommend to increase your sense of safety?

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* 19. Is there anything else you would like us to know? Please provide feedback here.

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* 20. Please select one of the following dates you will attend to provide more information on park layout and design. Community members who attend an open forum (via webinar) will be eligible for gift card prizes. We value your additional input to make Emerson Park the very best!