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The Arvada Resiliency Taskforce (ART) is committed to making sure we continue to understand and respond to business needs as we navigate toward full recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. By completing this 5 minute survey you are assisting us in the development of new programming and resources to help our business community thrive.

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* 1. What industry do you associate with?

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* 2. How many employees do you currently have?

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* 3. Please use the below scale to describe how your business has been impacted by COVID-19? 1 being not impacted and 10 being horribly impacted.

1 (Business is thriving - Revenue is up Year over Year) 5 (Business is normal - Revenue is flat) 10 (Horribly Impacted - Revenue is down by 30% or more)

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* 4. What is the one thing you would want policy makers to know that would help you through recovery from COVID-19?

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* 5. Which of the below topics would you like us to provide more information on? (Select all that apply)

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* 6. Please select all of the resources that would be helpful for your business today.

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* 7. Are you interested in helping industries that are hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic? Please note all that apply and include your contact information in question 9.

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* 8. What else do you believe we should know?

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* 9. OPTIONAL: If you would like to receive a check-in call from a member of the Arvada Resiliency Taskforce or support impacted businesses please complete this section.

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