1. Overview

Join us for an innovative learning experiment tailored for philanthropy practitioners, civil society, academics, and think tanks interested in fostering peace. This learning experiment will guide you through exploring megatrends and key drivers of change, applying basic foresight and futures thinking methods, and collaborating in teams to design future scenarios based on critical high-impact uncertainties. You will also rehearse these scenarios and develop concrete recommendations for the philanthropy ecosystem.

The learning experiment will consist of three online sessions:
  • Session #1: Explore - What Is | 17 September, 14:00 – 16:00 (CET)
    • The first session explores the theme of war and peace and introduces basic foresight and futures thinking methods
  • Session #2: Imagine – What If | 23 October, 14:00 – 16:00 (CET)
    • This session builds on the insights into key drivers of change, using the most critical and uncertain factors as the foundation for developing axes for future scenarios.
  • Session #3: Rehearse – What It Would Take To | 27 November, 14:00 – 16:00 (CET)
    • The third session aims to bring to life four future scenarios and rehearse possible actions in these scenarios
Participation is free, but you must attend at least two of the three sessions. Register by 5 September EOB to express your interest. Confirmation will depend on availability, motivation, and participant diversity. No prior knowledge of foresight or peacebuilding is needed—just a genuine interest in these topics.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Email

Question Title

* 3. Organisation

Question Title

* 4. Job Title

Question Title

* 5. Do you have experience with foresight and scenario planning?

Question Title

* 6. Does your work focus on peacebuilding?

Question Title

* 7. Will you be able to attend at least two sessions of the learning series (this is the requirement to be considered for the learning cohort)?

Question Title

* 8. Why would you like to join this learning experiment? (max 100 words)

Question Title

* 9. How will this learning series help you with your work? (max 100 words)