Saint Charles Volunteer Opportunities

Saint Charles Volunteer form

Please complete the following form. We encourage you to open your heart to your God given talents as you consider the volunteer opportunities to serve within our church. Many hands together, make the load lighter! Please prayerfully consider partnering with other parish members for the greater good of our church.
Volunteering options
· Please select each committee you would like to join by marking the appropriate box
· Please select if you would like to answer the call for volunteering
· What does “joining a committee” mean?
    o Joining a committee means that you, alongside other committee members, will follow through with the tasks listed under each committee. Please know that your attendance and volunteering at every event pertaining to your committee is not expected. Please volunteer when you are able and communicate with the committee when you are unable.
    o Committees may need to meet outside Altar Society meetings and can communicate in other methods to accomplish the tasks designed.
    o Committees are able to be joined at any time.
·What does “answer the call for volunteering” mean?
     o Answering a call to volunteer means you may enjoy a variety of committees and ways of volunteering and are choosing to answer the call or need for any committee during their time of need.
     o As a volunteer, you would not need to attend committee meetings, rather your attendance at Altar Society meetings is encouraged.
No matter which option you choose, please know that we welcome you join the Altar Society and committees at any point in time and as able.

Survey will close on October 10, 2022

We will not share your personal information with other entities.
1.· Fall Dinner Committee duties

o   Decide date

o   Advertise: local church bulletins, TVs, radio, Facebook etc.

o    Menu creation and ordering of food

o   Organize and call for volunteers to staff Fall Dinner

Would you serve on the Fall Dinner committee?
2.Funeral Committee duties
o   Chairman will be contacted be funeral home and seek information on what family would like served at funeral

o   Order food supplies specific to funeral

o   Maintain list of supplies provided for all church events

o   Call for volunteers to help prepare food and serve at funerals

Would you serve on the Funeral Committee?
3.Special Meal Committee duties
o   Committee chair will be contacted by Altar Society officer or individual

o   Food related items for special events
        Example: suppers put on for Confirmation or First Communion families during retreats, Lenten suppers, taco and BINGO nights

o   Plan meal and order food supplies specific to special meals

o    Utilize other committee (funeral or kitchen) for what additional supplies may be needed and where to order from

o   Call for volunteers needed and in what aspect

o   Maintain list of supplies provided for all church events

Would you serve on the Special Dinner Committee?
4.Bylaw Committee duties
o   Create bylaws of organization, frequency of meeting, if quorum is needed, decide on years of service for each position.

Would you serve on the Bylaw Committee?
5.Sacristan Committee duties
o   Committee chair Cathy Iverson

o   Prepares the church for Mass, specific duties provided at time of meeting

Would you serve on the Sacristan Committee?
6.Safety Committee duties
o   Develop a safety plan for emergencies at church; tornadoes, medical emergencies, fire, lockdown etc

o   Collaborate with church council

o   Utilize community law enforcement and medical emergency professionals to aid in creation of plan

o   Delegate tasks to appropriate individuals and ensure information is provided to them to ensure their comprehension of tasks and ability to follow through with said tasks

o   First aids kits stocked and easily located in appropriate areas of church

Would you serve on the Safety Committee?
7.Liturgical Environment Committee duties
o   In charge of changing the banners, candles, and Mass books as church season’s progress through the liturgical year

o   In charge of plants/greens inside and outside of church

Would you serve on the Liturgical Committee?
8.Would you prefer to answer the call to volunteer and serve in a variety of ways when the need arises?
*See full definition at top of survey.
9.Please enter your name:(Required.)
10.Please enter your email address:(Required.)
11.Please enter your preferred phone number:(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered