Family Feud - Awesomenauts

1.Name an Awesomenaut that is fun to play as even if you lose.
2.If Ronimo announced an upcoming patch to Awesomenauts. The FIRST Ability you'd want to nerf is...(ex. Lonestar's Dynamite)
4.Which Awesomenaut(s) were probably cool in high school.
5.Your favorite thing about Awesomenauts is...
6.The most annoying Crowd Control (CC) is...
7.Your teammate just disconnected, which bot do you hope you get?
8.On average, how many hours of Awesomenauts do you play per week?
9.The thing that makes me the most angry about Awesomenauts is...
10.An Awesomenaut that takes a TON of skill to play is...
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