Fiscal Period: 10/01/2023 to 09/30/2024

Question Title

* 1. Enter Personal Information:

Question Title

* 2. Enter percentage of your time spent in each category below:

Category A includes but is not limited to: Supervision of technicians, nurses, etc. Utilization review, other committee work; Administration or medical director of a department; supervision of interns and residents, teaching, quality control -- but not included in other lines.

Category B includes: Medical/Surgical hands-on patient care services to individual patients, includes and chart review, consultation, etc. that would be specific to an individual patient.

Category C includes but is not limited to: Research, teaching I&R in non-approved programs, work outside the facility such as schools, nursing homes, community, writing for medical journals -- but not included in other lines.

NOTE: Total Should Equal 100; Use whole numbers – no decimals

Question Title

* 3. If time reported in Question 2 "Other" above, provide a brief description:

Question Title

* 4. Enter full name of the person completing this Survey: