Last year, a team from Eagle Rock High School, the Yosemite Recreation Center and Occidental College asked for community input on how to improve Yosemite Drive. The team received over 220 responses from students, parents, and residents, many expressing concerns about speeding vehicles and difficulty crossing the street, as well as interest in using artwork to help improve traffic safety. After gathering further input from the community on artwork options, the project team partnered with LADOT and local artist Andrew Armstrong to develop a safety redesign of the intersection of Yosemite Drive and La Roda Street featuring murals designed to encourage safe travel speeds and improve pedestrian crossings, while keeping access for parking, pick-up and drop-off, and other neighborhood needs.

This project was installed last month thanks to funding from Occidental and the generous assistance of volunteers from the high school and college. The artwork itself was designed to reflect the neighborhood, featuring the high school’s eagle mascot, Occidental College tiger stripes, and native poppy flowers.

Now the project team would like to your feedback on the project as they consider additional improvements to Yosemite and future arts-driven street designs elsewhere in Los Angeles.

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* 1. Do you think the new artwork has improved this intersection?

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* 2. Do you feel safer or less safe at this intersection since the artwork was painted?

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* 3. Do you think driving behavior has improved since the installation - slower turns, yielding more to pedestrians, etc?

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* 4. Are you more or less likely to cross at this intersection since the artwork installation?

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* 5. Do you think this type of project is useful in bringing people from the community together?

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* 6. Would you support maintaining this artwork and/or installing new designs at this intersection in the future?

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* 7. Would you like to see artwork like this in other crosswalks and intersection in the area?

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* 8. If you would like to see additional artworks like this, please suggest a location.

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* 9. Are there additional changes you would like to see at this intersection? (Check all that apply)

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* 10. How often do you travel to or through the intersection of Yosemite Drive and La Roda Avenue and/or Rosemary Drive?

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* 11. Do you live within a half-mile or 10-minute walk from Eagle Rock Junior/Senior High School and Yosemite Recreation Center?

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* 12. How do you usually travel to or through Yosemite and La Roda or Yosemite and Rosemary?

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* 13. Why do you usually travel through this location?

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* 14. If you would like to hear more about this project or get involved in future efforts like this one, please provide your name and email address.