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ISBA’s 2024 Call for Workshop Proposal

ISBA’s Annual Convention is scheduled for November 6-8, 2024 in Boise, Idaho. We are currently seeking proposals for sessions that will be held on Wednesday, November 6, 2024 and Thursday, November 7, 2024. These sessions are 60 minutes in length. We invite you to submit a proposal for a presentation designed to equip school boards with content knowledge and with practical tips and tools to energize their districts/charters, inspire change, and advance student achievement.

Presentation Selection Criteria:
• Target school board members as the primary audience.
• Enhance the knowledge, skills, and abilities of school board members.
• Share promising strategies and practices that can be replicated by other districts or charters of all sizes.
• Designed to engage the audience in meaningful ways.
• Demonstrate innovative ideas and solutions.
• Provide solid, practical how-to information and tips that board members can take back and apply at the board table.

Vendor Presentation Criteria:
• Focus of the session must be on a learning topic and not a sales pitch.
• Presenters must agree to have their company or organization participate as a paid Exhibit Show exhibitor or sponsor.

Question Title

* 1. Name of person submitting proposal

Question Title

* 2. Your Title

Question Title

* 3. Organization Name

Question Title

* 4. Address

Question Title

* 5. Phone Number

Question Title

* 6. Email