ABLE School Year and Campus Closure Parent Reflection Survey

We at ABLE recognize that COVID-19 presents a challenge for many families.  It is our desire to help minimize these challenges. 
We understand our families have unique needs and we want to be prepared to support you and your students during the upcoming school year.
As our staff continues to grow their skills around distance learning, our desire to provide a quality distance learning experience, your input will help the program improve.  
Please complete this brief survey (one for each child).  All responses will remain anonymous.
1.How many adults in your household are essential workers?
2.How many school-aged children do you have participating in a TK-12th grade COVID-19 remote learning platform in your household?
3.What grade(s) do your children attend?  (Check all that apply.)
4.Who was most responsible for managing or helping your child/children with their remote learning?
5.Did you create a schedule for schoolwork in your household?
6.Do you have reliable internet access in your home?
7.Was your student able to access all the required online programs during distance learning?
8.Did your student utilize a school issued laptop?
9.Did you utilize ABLE provided computer and technology support?
10.How would you rate the computer and technology support you received?
11.How often were you contacted by the Parent Liaisons (ABLE staff members other than teachers)?
12.How often were you contacted by your student's teacher either by phone or email?
13.If you sent an email communication to your student's teacher, how satisfied were you with the teacher's response time?
14.If you sent an email communication to your student's principal, how satisfied were you with their response time?
15.If you participated in our meal or packet pick up on the HU campus, please rate your level of satisfaction with this service.
16.If you interacted in person or on the phone with a representative from ABLE's front office during the closure, please rate your level of satisfaction with the interaction.
17.How often did your student have "digital face to face" interactions with their teachers during distance learning?
18.Did you feel those interactions were...
19.What program/platform did the teacher use to teach or interact with your student during distance learning?  (Select all that apply)
20.Were you or your student provided with any tutorials, links, or videos on how to use the program(s)/platform(s)?
21.If the teacher(s) used multiple programs/platforms, which program/platform did your student find the most user friendly?
22.How would you rate the number of pages in the paper packets your student received?
23.How would you rate the number of online assignments for your student?
24.Was the information being taught in the packets or in the online learning platform...
25.I found it easy to manage my child's COVID-19 online learning platform/program.
26.ABLE's COVID-19 online learning platform/program required too much of parents.
27.How satisfied were you with your child's COVID-19 online learning platform/program?
28.I would have preferred the following materials be provided to me for my child(ren)'s COVID-19 remote learning program...
29.What is the one thing you would change about ABLE's COVID-19 remote learning program?
30.In your opinion, what was the best part about ABLE's COVID-19 remote learning program?
31.Is there anything else you'd like to say about ABLE's COVID-19 remote learning program?
32.How prepared do you feel your student will be for the upcoming school year?
33.To what degree did you feel your children were supported by ABLE during the school closure?