Question Title

* 1. Please enter your last day of employment with UMC


Question Title

* 5. What department do you work in?

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* 6. Have you completed your probationary or qualifying period?

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* 7. What are the reasons you are leaving UMC? Please select up to 3. 

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* 9. In your opinion, which of the following needs improvement at UMC? Please select up to 3. 

Question Title

* 10. How effective did you feel your skills were put to use here?

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* 11. How easy was it to get the resources you needed to do your job well at this organization?

Question Title

* 12. How helpful was your position here in facilitating your professional growth?

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* 13. My work environment while at UMC encouraged lawful and ethical conduct
(please share additional details as desired in comments section at the end of the survey)

Question Title

* 14. I felt comfortable reporting to my manager concerns involving unethical or improper conduct

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* 15. How fair do you feel your pay was for the work that you did at UMC? 

Question Title

* 16. How realistic were the expectations that were set for you?

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* 17. How comfortable did you feel sharing ideas or concerns with department leadership?

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* 18. How well did the members of your team work together?

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* 19. How well did your supervisor treat you?

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* 20. In a typical week, how often did you feel stressed at work?

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* 21. How difficult was it for you to balance your work life and personal life while working here?

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* 22. Sufficient training was received to meet job expectations.

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* 23. Rate your overall experience in your work environment:

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* 24. How often did you feel your contributions were recognized by leadership?

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* 25. Overall, how much did you like working here?

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* 26. What were some things that you enjoyed about your job? 

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* 27. What actions can UMC take to build a better workplace?

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* 28. How likely are you to recommend UMC to a friend or family for their healthcare needs?

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* 29. How likely are you to recommend UMC to a friend or family for employment opportunities?

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* 30. Would you consider working for UMC again given the opportunity?

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* 31. Do you have any other comments, questions or concerns?