Exit this survey Maintenance Reporting Question Title * 1. What percent of the time are the maintenance reports distributed on a timely basis to the appropriate personnel? 90% or more 75 to 89% 60 to 74% 40 to 59% Less than 40% Question Title * 2. What percent of the time are the reports distributed within one day of the end of the time period specified in the report? 90% or more 75 to 89% 60 to 74% 40 to 59% Less than 40% Question Title * 3. Select (check) each of the following equipment reports you produce: Equipment downtime in order of highest to lowest total hours (weekly or monthly) Equipment downtime in order of highest to lowest in total lost production dollars (weekly or monthly) Maintenance cost for equipment in order of highest to lowest (weekly or monthly) Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) and Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) for equipment Question Title * 4. Select (check) each of the following preventive maintenance reports you produce: PM overdue report in order of oldest to most recent PM cost per equipment item in descending order PM hours verses total maintenance hours per item expressed as a percentage PM costs verses total maintenance costs per equipment item expressed as a percentage Question Title * 5. Select (check) each of the personnel reports you produce: Time report showing hours worked by employee divided by week order Time report showing hours worked by craft in each department /area Time report showing total hours spent by credit on emergency preventive/Normal work Time report showing total overtime hours compared to regular hours Question Title * 6. Select (check) each of the planning reports you produce: Total work order costs estimated versus total work order actual costs by individual work order, by supervisor, or by craft A backlog report showing the total hours ready to schedule versus the craft capacity per week A planning efficiency report showing the hours and material planned versus the actual hours and material used per work order A planning effectiveness report showing the number of jobs closed out that were 20% over or under the labor or material estimates by planner or supervisor Question Title * 7. Select (check) each of the scheduling reports you produce: Hours worked as scheduled compared to actual hours worked Weekly crew or craft capacity averaged for the last 20 weeks Total number of maintenance work orders scheduled compared to the actual number of work orders completed Number of work orders spent on preventive maintenance compared to emergency maintenance and normal maintenance Question Title * 8. Select (check) each of the inventory reports you produce: Stock catalog by alphabetical and numerical listing Inventory valuation report Inventory performance report showing stockouts and level of service, turnover rate, etc. Inventory where used report Question Title * 9. Select (check) each of the purchasing reports you produce: Vendor performance showing promised and actual delivery rates Price performance, showing the quoted and actual prices Buyer or purchasing agent performance report Non-stock report showing all direct buys for items not carried in stock for a specified period Question Title * 10. Select (check) each administrative report you produce: Monthly maintenance costs versus monthly maintenance budget with a year-to-date total Comparison of labor and material costs as percentage of total maintenance costs Total costs of outside contractor usage broken down by contractor/project Maintenance cost per unit of production (or by square foot for facilities) Question Title * 11. Feel free to provide any information or comments you care to here. They will be read by several human beings! Done