As a sales agent you know that wire / cable is a key product category for electrical distributors. Channel Marketing Group is working with a client to gain deeper insights into this segment ... and the input we receive may be able to help you identify opportunities!
It's commonly felt that wire / cable represents 10-20% of a distributor's business (changes based upon distributor business focus.)

We're trying to gain a better sense of
  • what is the percentage, or
  • what percent does each type of wire / cable products represent.
This brief survey, one to three questions, is asking for your assistance to crowdsource the answer.
We're asking you for your perspective, within your market, of 
  1. the % of overall sales by product category wire / cable represent for your key distributors or
  2. the % of sales that wire / cable represents for them AND what % each category represents.
We need your best "estimate".
All input is confidential.  In appreciation of your time, a summary of the report is available to you.
The survey should only take a minute or two to complete.
Thank you
Channel Marketing Group