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Council Goals

In 2016 Council asked you, citizens of Pendleton, to help define the core goals of the City Council.  For the past 4 years, we have conducted plans, made decisions, and formed a holistic approach surrounding these core principles. Now, it's time to check back in with you again. 
Please rate the below options to support your TOP 5 GOALS of those provided. 
This survey will be available from April 8th through April 20

Thank you for letting us know what matters to you most!
Mayor Turner & the City Council of Pendleton. 

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* 1. Improve communication between the community and the City Council/Mayors Office/City of Pendleton

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* 2. Increase Economic development activities

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* 3. Increase Availablity of housing for all levels of income.

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* 4. Facilitate development of quality industrial, commercial and residential lands and properties (new and existing)

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* 5. Support and preservation, restoration and rehabilitation of historical buildings

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* 6. Develop sustainable infrastructure funding for the construction, operation, and maintenance of public buildings, roads, and utilities. 

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* 7. Increase tourism as an economic development driver

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* 8. Create a community sports complex

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* 9. Maintain public safety to the highest standards

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* 10. Foster close collaboration with CTUIR

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* 11. Support a vibrant downtown

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* 12. Is there something you feel should be given consideration

0 of 12 answered