Exit this survey Operations/Facilities Involvement Question Title * 1. What percent of operations personnel generate work order requests? 90% or more 75 to 89% 60 to 74% 40 to 59% Less than 40% Question Title * 2. What percent of facilities personnel generate work order requests? 90% or more 75 to 89% 60 to 74% 40 to 59% Less than 40% Question Title * 3. Operations work order priority is set for maintenance: Weekly in a joint operations/maintenance meeting Daily in a joint operations/maintenance meeting It is set by maintenance with minimal operations input It is random and based on emergency needs Question Title * 4. Facility work order priority is set for maintenance: Weekly in a joint operations/maintenance meeting Daily in a joint operations/maintenance meeting It is set by maintenance with minimal operations input It is random and based on emergency needs Question Title * 5. Operations/Operators are responsible and involved in the upkeep and performance of assets? Yes No Question Title * 6. Select each task that operators are trained and certified perform: Inspections Lubrication Minor maintenance task Assist in maintenance repair work Question Title * 7. What percent of the time do operators follow-up and sign-off on a completed work orders? 90% or more 75 to 89% 60 to 74% 40 to 59% Less than 40% Question Title * 8. What percent of the time do facilities personnel follow-up and sign-off on completed work orders? 90% or more 75 to 89% 60 to 74% 40 to 59% Less than 40% Question Title * 9. Maintenance is included in production/process scheduling meetings? All of the time Most of the time Occasionally Seldom Never Question Title * 10. Asset focused communication exists among maintenance, operations, engineering, and facilities personnel All of the time Most of the time Occasionally Seldom Never Question Title * 11. Feel free to provide any information or comments you care to here. They will be read by several human beings! Done