The ITAC Talent Division is developing a prioritized list of National Occupational Standards (NOS) within the Business Technology Management (BTM) occupation area. The BTM area includes occupations such as business analysis, project management, change management, consulting, entrepreneurship, and IT management. BTM comprises the largest category of IT occupations and has been one of the fastest growing areas over the past decade.
When completed, the BTM NOS will comprise a description of a number of key BTM related occupations together with a specification of the skill sets needed by individuals in those occupations. The BTM NOS will become a framework for professional education and career development.
We thank you for completing the following brief (30-40 minute) survey, dealing with BTM occupations in your organization. More precisely, your input is being asked to respond to two main issues:
- To identify a small number of key BTM related occupations within your organization, emphasizing those occupations that are current, but also including any “future” occupations of particular importance to you;
- To identify the skill sets needed by individuals for the satisfactory performance of the occupations that you have identified.
If you have any questions while completing the survey, please contact Gina van Dalen, Project Manager, Business Technology Management (BTM) Program
at 416 840 4195 or
email Gina van Dalen
We would like to receive your response on or before August 8, 2014. Thank you for your support of this initiative.
Dr. Peter King, ITAC Talent BTM Standards Development Director
For any general questions regarding the NOS project, feel free to contact me at 416 840 4531 or
email Peter King