Xamarin Binding Survey Hi! I'm Jacob Kirsch and I'm a PM on the Xamarin Engineering Team. In this 2 minute survey I'm trying learn more about your experience developing custom bindings in Xamarin. We greatly appreciate your feedback, and your responses help us determine the direction of Xamarin product development. At the end of the survey you'll have the option to leave your name and email. This is optional, but if you do so, we'll be able to follow up with you to learn more. Thank you!Survey responses will be used to improve Visual Studio Family products and services. Survey Monkey data is handled consistently with Visual Studio Family Data Subject Rights . Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy. You can contact us or learn more by reading the Microsoft Privacy Statement. Question Title * 1. What's the primary reason you're using Xamarin? I am using it for projects at my full or part time job I am using it for school projects I am using it for personal/side projects Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. What target platforms are you currently binding to? iOS Android UWP Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Which of the following best describes the company/organization you work for? Government Nonprofit/Education Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Consultancy Systems Integrator Startup Enterprise Value Added Reseller Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. How many employees are there in your company? Fewer than 25 employees 25-249 employees 250-499 employees 500-999 employees 1,000-9,999 employees 10,000 or more employees Question Title * 5. What SDK are you trying to bind in Xamarin? Question Title * 6. If it is a public SDK, can you link the SDK here? Question Title * 7. Please describe the current process you're attempting in order to create a custom binding in Xamarin. Question Title * 8. (Optional) I'd love to chat and learn more about your experience with custom bindings. Leave your contact info and I'll follow up to schedule some brief time for us to talk. Name Company Email Address Done