1. Overview Information

Louis Armstrong

Thank you for taking the time to assess Muse Machine's in-school performance of MACBETH presented by Cincinnati Shakespeare Company at your school. Please respond fully and candidly. This information is vitally important to the many stakeholders who invest in our program.

Question Title

* 2. When did the performance take place?


Question Title

* 3. Who attended the performance?

Question Title

* 4. Approximately how many students attended?

Question Title

* 5. Approximately how many faculty and staff attended?

Question Title

* 6. Which grade levels were in attendance? Please select all that apply.

Question Title

* 7. Please rate your agreement with the following statement, with 1 representing "Strongly Disagree" and 6 representing "Strongly Agree." Rate N/A if you did not participate in the planning process.

  1 - Strongly Disagree 2 - Disagree 3 - Somewhat Disagree 4 - Somewhat Agree 5 - Agree 6 - Strongly Agree N/A (I did not participate in the planning process.)
Muse Machine's communication with the school beforehand provided all the information needed to prepare for the performance.