Here’s a simple set of questions to ask yourself to see how you are faring in the WFH scenario:

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* 1. Personal Information - Optional 
(We maintain strict confidentiality on the information which you provide, privileged and only for the information of the intended recipient and may not be used, published or redistributed) 

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* 2. I have set up a home office and work from this space allowing the rest of the household to go about their routines

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* 3. I have a clear schedule of calls and meetings and I let my family know the times that I will not be available

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* 4. I take frequent breaks during my work days to check in on my family and check how they are doing

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* 5. I make sure that we eat our meals together and arrange my schedule accordingly

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* 6. I am not on calls when I am with my family

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* 7. I make sure that I do not take on more work so that my time with the family is not compromised

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* 8. If I have to catch up on some pending work, I do it for a short while after my family retires for the night

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* 9. When I step out of my home office, into the family space, I make sure that I shake off all the work pressures and preoccupations

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* 10. I make sure that I do my share of household work and I don’t hide behind my workload and pressures

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* 11. I have a sign board outside my room to show my family when I can and cannot be interrupted

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* 12. My boss and my team members know about my family context and I know about theirs. So we factor our unique requirements into our daily scheduling

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* 13. I also make time to connect with friends and extended family virtually

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* 14. I make time for daily exercise to stay fit

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* 15. I make time for some entertainment and hobbies

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* 16. I remind myself that I exist first for my family and then for my organization

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* 17. I have undisturbed play time with my children

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* 18. I make phone calls to friends and family without any agenda

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* 19. I know my colleagues at a personal level in terms of their interests and choices

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* 20. I often remember important days like birthdays and anniversaries of the immediate family

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* 21. I do not feel stressed out most often, I wake up with something or the other to look forward to