Provider Innovation Webinar Feedback Question Title * 1. Which of the following features shown during the Provider Innovation Preview do you anticipate bringing the most value to your organization? (select all that apply) Bi-Directional EMR Integration Industry Standard Metric Integration PEPPER Reports Productivity Analytics Workforce Performance Insights New User Experience (UI/UX) Anomaly Detection Population Heath Value-Based Care 360 Service Question Title * 2. How well do these topics align with your organizational priorities? Please rank from most important (1) to least important (10). Question Title * 3. What additional topics should we include in future webinars? Question Title * 4. How satisfied were you with the content presented? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Additional comments Question Title * 5. How likely are you to attend future Innovation webinars? Not Likely Neutral Very Likely Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. Question Title * 6. How satisfied are you with the new user interface and experience (UI/UX)? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Additional comments Question Title * 7. How satisfied are you with the 2023 Innovation Roadmap? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Additional comments Question Title * 8. What types of sessions would you be most interested in attending in the future? (select all that apply) In-Person Meetings User Forums Q and A Sessions Quarterly Webinars Individual Sessions Question Title * 9. Would you like to partner with us to exchange data using Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR)? Yes No If yes, please provide name and contact information Question Title * 10. We serve a very unique role in our ability to connect you to payers and other partners. Is there any particular payer or partner we can help solution (care management, etc) via our payvider or interoperability capabilities? Question Title * 11. Would you like to schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss any of the topics further? Yes No If yes, please provide name and contact information Question Title * 12. Any additional comments you’d like to share with us? Done