Needs Assessment: Stream Bank Repair for Residential Audiences

1.Is there a freshwater stream on your property?
2.Are there signs of erosion on your stream bank (soil, rocks, or grass falling into the stream, exposed tree roots, collapsing bank)?
3.Have you taken any actions to improve the health of your stream? 
4.Do you feel you have the knowledge and tools to manage stream issues that may arise?
5.Are you more likely to manage stream issues yourself or hire someone else to do it?
6.Which of the following types of landscaping are present on the stream bank on your property? Select all that apply.
7.What are your preferred methods for receiving information on topics like repairing your stream? Please rank in order of preference.
1 (most preferred)
5 (least preferred)
Written material (brochures or handouts)
Talking directly with an expert
In-person workshop
Online format (webinars or videos)
Do not want information on this topic
8.Would you attend a Stream Bank Repair workshop if you could learn practices to improve the health of your stream and reduce erosion?
9.Which of the following aspects of a workshop would you be interested in? Check all that apply.
10.What is the maximum amount of time you would be willing to spend in a stream bank repair workshop (including presentations and hands-on practice)?
Current Progress,
0 of 10 answered