Please rate Friday's sessions, from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent). When you're done, you can enter to win a $50.00 Amazon gift card!

Question Title

* 1. The Whole Employee: Designing a Healthier Workplace (Speaker: Chia-Chia Chang)

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* 2. The Future of the American Workplace & HR’s New Role (Speakers: Karl Ahlrichs, Sherron Williams)

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* 3. The Best Hiring, Onboarding & Retention Strategies for a Post-COVID World (Speaker: Jeremy York)

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* 4. Hacking HR: How to Navigate Your HR Tech Decisions in 2021 (Speaker: Amy Wilson)

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* 5. Employee Benefits Update (Speaker: Patrick Morrison)

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* 6. Advanced Decision-Making for HR (Speaker: Karl Alrichs)

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* 7. How would you rate Friday's sessions overall?

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* 8. How would you rate the conference hosting technology?

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* 9. Any other comments or suggestions?

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* 10. Please enter your email address if you'd like to enter the $50.00 Amazon gift card drawing!