Exit KIPP Family Survey 2023 Question Title * 1. What city/town do you currently live in? Question Title * 2. How many children do you have attending KIPP schools? 1 2 3 or more Question Title * 3. Please check which school(s) your child/children attend. KIPP Albany Community Charter Elementary School KIPP Albany Community Charter Middle School KIPP Tech Valley Primary School KIPP Tech Valley Middle School KIPP Troy Prep Elementary KIPP Troy Prep Middle School KIPP Troy Prep High School Question Title * 4. What grade(s) are your children in currently? Check all that apply Kindergarten 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th Question Title * 5. How many years has your child/children attended KIPP schools? 1 year 2-3 years More than 3 years Question Title * 6. How satisfied are you with the KIPP facilities? Very satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied, neutral Moderately dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Very satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied, neutral Moderately dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 7. Please share any thoughts you have on the school facilities. Question Title * 8. How satisfied are you with your child(ren)’s education? Very satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied, neutral Moderately dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Very satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied, neutral Moderately dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 9. What is your overall impression of academics at your child's school and how the school is supporting their success and overall well-being? Question Title * 10. How satisfied are you with your child’s school's extracurricular offerings? Very satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied, neutral Moderately dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Very satisfied Moderately satisfied Neither dissatisfied nor satisfied, neutral Moderately dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Question Title * 11. What programming would you like to see offered at your child's school? Check all that apply Arts: drama/choir/band Athletics/sports teams Clubs: Outdoor/hiking club, Yearbook club, School newspaper, Model UN Culinary arts Leadership opportunities like student government Volunteer opportunities Other (please specify) Question Title * 12. If KIPP were to build a high school large enough for all students to attend, how likely are you to have your child(ren) attend that high school? Absolutely attend Probably attend Neutral Probably not attend Absolutely not attend Absolutely attend Probably attend Neutral Probably not attend Absolutely not attend Question Title * 13. What would be the most important factors in determining whether you would send your child(ren) to a KIPP high school or not? Check all that apply Access to extracurriculars Close to home College and career readiness Culturally relevant learning environment Longer school day Not the district school Safe nurturing environment Sense of community Sports such as basketball, soccer, football, volleyball Staying in the KIPP system Strong academics Supportive teachers Transportation Other (please specify) Question Title * 14. KIPP students across the country are 60% more likely to graduate from a four-year college if they attend a KIPP high school versus leaving KIPP in 8th Grade. Knowing that information, would you send your student to a KIPP high school? Very likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very unlikely Very likely Likely Neutral Unlikely Very unlikely Question Title * 15. What is one thing you would like to see KIPP continue to do next year? Question Title * 16. What is one thing you would like to see KIPP do in the next year to improve the lives of our students, their families and the broader community? Question Title * 17. What additional programming would you like to see for families and open to the broader community? Check all that apply Behavioral health supports College readiness Culinary classes Driver’s education Eliminating debt English as a second language programming Financial literacy Increasing income Resume writing and job training skills Substance abuse services Other (please specify) Question Title * 18. How do you want to be involved in KIPP’s strategic planning and growth over the next 1-3 years? Check all that apply: Advocacy and community engagement work Join Family Advisory Committees Keep me informed of future updates Partner with Teaching & Learning staff to develop curriculum Volunteer in the classroom Other (please specify) Question Title * 19. Provide your name, phone and email if you’ve clicked any of the above Name Email Address Phone Number Done