Welcome to the EPIC Membership Services Survey

This survey is being run by the Institution of Environmental Sciences to understand how the Environmental Policy Implementation Community (EPIC) can best serve IES members and the wider environmental sector.

The survey will close at 9am on 27th September.
About EPIC
The Environmental Policy Implementation Community (EPIC) launched in February 2024, after the merger of Environmental Protection UK with the IES. The Community brings together voices from across environmental science to call for ambitious and deliverable policy, and provides local authorities and other decision makers with the knowledge, insights and tools to help them deliver on the ground.

About this survey
The information gathered in this survey will be used to inform future EPIC strategy and activities, and a workshop discussing the results will be held at the EPIC Autumn Conference on the 10th October. Register for the free online Conference here.

Responses will be anonymised. Responses will be treated as individual views, instead of representing any organisation.

The survey should take around 15 minutes to complete. Many thanks in advance for your participation.