2024 Maple Hill Holiday Parade Kalamazoo, Application |
Maple Hill Auto Group welcomes you to the Maple Hill Holiday Parade!
As the official kick-off to the holiday season, The Maple Hill Holiday Parade is a grassroots, community celebration designed to connect our nonprofit organizations, businesses, and associations with the general public, providing holiday entertainment! This year's parade is set to take place on Saturday, November 23, 2024 with step off at 10:45 a.m. and check-in beginning at 9 a.m.
In order to ensure that everyone's experience if full of fun, holiday cheer, and community pride, a member of the Parade Team will maintain communication with your contact person throughout the application and parade planning processes. Together, we will work to create a parade that celebrates our community and holiday spirit.
The entry fee is $100 for for-profits and $75 for non-profits and helps to cover logistical costs. Marching bands are exempt from payment and reasonable transportation fees associated with participation can be submitted for reimbursement consideration. Payments can be made out to KELC and submitted to:
Maple Hill Holiday Parade Kalamazoo
1417 S. Burdick Street, Kalamazoo, MI 49001
Please take the time to fill out the below application in its entirety if you are interested in participating in the 2024 Maple Hill Holiday Parade. There is a lot of information needed from each unit in order to make the parade run smoothly and to ensure that the parade is made special for all who come to see and experience the holiday cheer. If you have any questions regarding the application, please call 269-388-2830.
For complete parade guidelines, please go to our website (www.kalamazooholidayparade.org) and review the 2024 KHP Parade Application. Due to the nature of this platform, we are unable to include all guidelines here, so it is important that all applicants read over the complete application to become aware of all guidelines and expectations associated with the Maple Hill Holiday Parade. The complete application also includes more specific information on the parade route and day-of operations.
The application deadline is November 4, 2024. Space is limited to the first 100 units to submit entries and is based on the design/theme quality of the unit. Applications submitted after this date will be considered on a space availability status.