Resource Survey Question Title * What resources did you order from us? Five Ways to Wellbeing General mental health information pamphlets (e.g. Stress and how to handle it or Borderline Personality Disorder) Suicide Prevention All of the above Other (please specify) OK Question Title * Did you find the resources useful? Not useful Very useful Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. OK Question Title * Have you ordered from us before? Yes No OK Question Title * Would you be likely to order from us again? Not likely Very likely Clear i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale. OK Question Title * Would you like to be able to read our resources online? Yes No Let us know if you have thoughts about this: OK Question Title * Would you like low-ink versions of our resources to print at home? Yes No, not useful for me Any specific comments? OK Question Title * Please tell us how we could improve our service: OK Question Title * Your feedback on our resources helps to keep them in print. Please leave any comments or feedback here: OK Question Title * Are there any specific topics you would like us to cover? OK DONE