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Survey Description

This survey is designed to learn how you feel about possible silent rupture of your silicone gel breast implants prior to an ultrasound scan. Questions refer only to your current silicone gel implants, not any implants you may have had previously. Check one answer for each question, unless otherwise indicated.

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1. Have you been concerned that you may have a ruptured implant?

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2. Did you know the FDA recommends an MRI scan to screen for silent rupture of silicone gel implants after 3 years and then every 2 years for life?

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3. Have you had a Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scan to screen for silent rupture of your silicone gel implants?

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4. Would you like to know if you have a ruptured implant?

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5. If you learn an implant has a rupture, which of the statements below would apply to you? (check all that apply)

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6. If you learn an implant has a silent rupture but you do not have symptoms, would you like to have it removed?

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7. If you chose to remove your ruptured implant, what course of action would you take? (check all options you would consider)

0 of 10 answered