This is a very exciting time at Saint Viator High School as we launch an aggressive visioning process that we believe will help shape our future. Please take a few moments to assist us by completing the survey that follows. 
Naturally, not all of the objectives being discussed will take place. The emerging needs identified by our Board of Trustees will be prioritized, and a schedule will be established to accomplish these projects over the appropriate sequence of time.  When we complete our planning this summer, we will share with you our findings and our next steps. 
Thank you for your time and insights.

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Saint Viator or Sacred Heart graduation year (if applicable):

Question Title

* 3. Email Address

Question Title

* 4. Affiliation with school (please check all that apply):

Please use the scale to answer questions #5 and #6.

Answer Key:

0 = No Basis to Answer

1 = Poor

2 = Below Average

3 = Average

4 = Above Average

5 = Excellent

Question Title

* 5. What is your perception of Saint Viator’s performance in the following areas:

  0 1 2 3 4 5
Sense of community and belonging
Academic rigor and post-secondary readiness
Fine Arts
Additional co-curricular activities -- Student Council, National Honor Society, Math Team, Yearbook, etc.
Alumni communication -- alumni newsletters, magazines and events
School facilities – building and grounds
Catholic faith formation
Service opportunities and mission trips
Academic technology -- 1:1 iPad, STEM program, science and technology labs
Tuition assistance
Safety and security

Question Title

* 6. Using the same scale above what is your overall perception of Saint Viator High School?

Question Title

* 7. Please comment on the reason(s) for your perception:

Question Title

* 8. Saint Viator is considering a campaign to fund critical campus and fiscal needs.  The items listed below have been proposed as emerging needs that might be funded by a philanthropic campaign.  Based on your knowledge of the school, and the future needs of providing exceptional Catholic education, how would you prioritize funding needs at this time? Please rank in order from 1-5 the following priorities:

Question Title

* 9. If the Saint Viator Board of Trustees decides to move forward with a program to fund the most pressing needs, which of the following best describes your willingness to contribute:

Question Title

* 10. Please share any additional thoughts or comments.