As it prepares a congregation assessment to be used in calling a new pastor, the Transition Team has been collecting information and views on what members like, what they would change and ideas for Beautiful Savior's future. Roundtable meetings in February provided valuable feedback. The team seeks to drill deeper into those initial findings. Please complete the survey below. (A printed version was distributed Sunday March 16.)
Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church is your church. Your opinion is important as the Transition Team readies its report to the Church Council, the congregation and, ultimately, to the Synod and Bishop.
1.Do you feel that the weekly sermons, past or present, are relevant to your life? How?
2.On the whole, do you agree with Beautiful Savior’s beliefs and doctrine?
3.What do you believe to be the mission of our church? How well do you understand it?
4.What three words would you use to describe Beautiful Savior?
5.Have you recommended our church to friends or family in the area?
6.Do you feel the church is sensitive to the needs of members?
7.Do you feel connected with and supported by church leaders?
8.Do you feel in the know about what's happening at our church?
9.What methods of communication do you prefer for receiving updates and news? Check all that apply.
10.Do you feel the church provides you with opportunities for spiritual growth?
11.Have you volunteered in the past year? If not, what's the biggest reason why?
12.Are you comfortable donating to Beautiful Savior? If not, what's the biggest reason why?
13.Do you think the way our church spends money aligns with its mission?
14.What amenities are the most important to you? Check all that apply.
15.What upcoming ministry events are you most likely to attend? Least likely?
16.As far as a new pastor, what age group do you prefer their age to be?
17.What level of pastoral experience do you prefer for a new pastor?
18.The 5 most important priorities needed for a pastor in our church are: (check 5)(Required.)