Family Weekend Survey

Please take a moment to complete the following survey. Question 3 provides an opportunity to share written feedback.

Question Title

* 1. Please note your association to Dana Hall School (select all that apply):

Question Title

* 2. Please rate the following:

  Excellent Good Satisfactory Needs Improvement N/A
Family Weekend Communication and Information
Family Weekend Webpage
Upper School Parent/Guardian Social
All-School Morning Welcome
Class Visits
Upper School Class Meeting
Performing Arts Presentation
All School Pep Rally
Middle School Co-Curriculars or Sports Practice
Social Gathering for Boarding Families
11th Grade College Counseling Presentation
7th/8th Grade Parent Information Session about Upper School
Virtual Social Gathering for International Families
Middle School Curriculum Presentation for 7th/8th Grade Parents
Legacy Gathering
Social Gathering for Families of Students of Color
Social Gathering for International Families
Exhibition Polo Match
Dragon's Den/Merchandise
Student Center: Set-up, Information, Refreshments
Meals: Panera (Friday Lunch)
Meals: Dining Hall (Friday - Breakfast, Dinner; Saturday - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner)
Meals: Food Trucks (Friday - Coffee Rescue, Cookie Monstah; Saturday - Anzio's Brick Oven Pizza, The Cod Squad-Captain Marden's)
Athletic Games
Overall Family Weekend Schedule
Overall Family Weekend Experience

Question Title

* 3. In the box below, please comment on any aspects of the weekend events and activities or elaborate on any of your ratings. Please suggest future programs or activities. We greatly appreciate your feedback!